Deep black on the outside presenting the newly created BayWa Global Produce umbrella brand – this is how the stand of our fresh produce business showed up at the fair. Guided through the “tunnel of brand” presenting the premium brands of our affiliated companies, an oasis of well-being opened up to the visitor inside the stand in elegant white: a perfect stage for the colorful variety of products from all over the world.
The star of the stand: a two-meter high etagere showed a magnificent arrangement of BayWa Global Produce family’s portfolio of more than 200 products. JAZZTM and ENVYTM from T&G Global, organic fruit from Lake Constance and a colorful variety from TFC-Holland made for a feast for the eyes. For the first time at the stand: BayWa r.e. AG with innovative Agri-PV technology which combines the production of food and energy, allowing a piece of land to be used for both agricultural production and the generation of solar power at the same time.
The highlight of the first day of the fair at the BayWa stand was the visit of the German Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture Cem Özdemir.
“The Minister of Agriculture, who visited the trade fair with a delegation of counterparts from western Balkan countries, spend some time with us to get to know our business model and our products better,” reports CEO Benedikt Mangold The Agri-PV exhibit, a raspberry field en miniature, provided opportunities for discussion about climate-resilient fruit production and additional sources of income for growers. “An important field of innovation, also for foreign trade fair guests,” says Mangold, who during the visit was also able to impart important information about the design and costs of the innovative technology to the Minister of Agriculture of Montenegro.
Chairman Prof. Klaus Josef Lutz congratulated the entire BayWa Global Produce family on their excellent trade fair appearance. “I am extremely pleased that our global teams from New Zealand, Australia, the USA, Spain, Great Britain and France were finally able to come together again,” says Lutz. He welcomed the fact that Minister Özdemir had shown himself to be very open to the development of innovative techniques in agriculture during his visit. “The importance of this topic becomes even more visible during the current global food crisis. If we jointly want to speed things up , politicians urgently need to reduce bureaucratic obstacles!”
After a 2-year’s break of trade fairs, Fruit Logistica in Berlin was the perfect platform for almost 80 colleagues from all over the world to meet again and have varied and interesting talks and updates. Time just flew by on the 3 days of the show. Inspired by intensive exchange on current and future topics, our global colleagues left the exhibition stand at the end of the day to continue the fruitful discussions in night-time Berlin.